Configuration and releases

This chapter is part of the Mix and OTP guide and it depends on previous chapters in this guide. For more information, read the introduction guide or check out the chapter index in the sidebar.

In this last chapter, we will make the routing table for our distributed key-value store configurable, and then finally package the software for production.

Let’s do this.

Application environment

So far we have hardcoded the routing table into the KV.Router module. However, we would like to make the table dynamic. This allows us not only to configure development/test/production, but also to allow different nodes to run with different entries in the routing table. There is a feature of OTP that does exactly that: the application environment.

Each application has an environment that stores the application’s specific configuration by key. For example, we could store the routing table in the :kv application environment, giving it a default value and allowing other applications to change the table as needed.

Open up apps/kv/mix.exs and change the application/0 function to return the following:

def application do
    extra_applications: [:logger],
    env: [routing_table: []],
    mod: {KV, []}

We have added a new :env key to the application. It returns the application default environment, which has an entry of key :routing_table and value of an empty list. It makes sense for the application environment to ship with an empty table, as the specific routing table depends on the testing/deployment structure.

In order to use the application environment in our code, we need to replace KV.Router.table/0 with the definition below:

@doc """
The routing table.
def table do
  Application.fetch_env!(:kv, :routing_table)

We use Application.fetch_env!/2 to read the entry for :routing_table in :kv’s environment. You can find more information and other functions to manipulate the app environment in the Application module.

Since our routing table is now empty, our distributed tests should fail. Restart the apps and re-run tests to see the failure:

$ iex --sname bar -S mix
$ elixir --sname foo -S mix test --only distributed

We need a way to configure the application environment. That’s when we use configuration files.


Configuration files provide a mechanism for us to configure the environment of any application. Such configuration is done by the config/config.exs file.

For example, we can configure IEx default prompt to another value. Just open config/config.exs and add the following to the end:

config :iex, default_prompt: ">>>"

Start IEx with iex -S mix and you can see that the IEx prompt has changed.

This means we can also configure our :routing_table directly in the config/config.exs file. However, which configuration value should we use?

Currently we have two tests tagged with @tag :distributed. The “server interaction” test in KVServerTest, and the “route requests across nodes” in KV.RouterTest. Both tests are failing since they require a routing table, which is currently empty.

The KV.RouterTest truly has to be distributed, as its purpose is to test the distribution. However, the test in KVServerTest was only made distributed because we had a hardcoded distributed routing table, which we couldn’t configure, but now we can!

Therefore, in order to minimize the distributed tests, let’s pick a routing table that does not require distribution. Then, for the distributed tests, we will programatically change the routing table. Back in config/config.exs, add this line:

config :kv, :routing_table, [{?a..?z, node()}]

This configures a routing table that always points to the current node. Now remove @tag :distributed from the test in test/kv_server_test.exs and run the suite, the test should now pass.

Now we only need to make KV.RouterTest pass once again. To do so, we will write a setup block that runs before all tests in that file. The setup block will change the application environment and revert it back once we are done, like this:

defmodule KV.RouterTest do
  use ExUnit.Case

  setup_all do
    current = Application.get_env(:kv, :routing_table)

    Application.put_env(:kv, :routing_table, [
      {?a..?m, :"foo@computer-name"},
      {?n..?z, :"bar@computer-name"}

    on_exit fn -> Application.put_env(:kv, :routing_table, current) end

  @tag :distributed
  test "route requests across nodes" do

Note we removed async: true from use ExUnit.Case. Since the application environment is a global storage, tests that modify it cannot run concurrently. With all changes in place, all tests should pass, including the distributed one.

Custom configuration

At this point, you may be wondering, how can we make two nodes start with two different routing tables? One option is to use the --config flag in mix run. For example, you could write two extra configuration files, config/foo.exs and config/bar.exs, with two distinct routing tables and then:

$ elixir --sname foo -S mix run --config config/foo.exs
$ elixir --sname bar -S mix run --config config/bar.exs

There are two concerns in this approach.

First, if the routing tables are the opposite of each other, such as [{?a..?m, :"foo@computer-name"}, {?n..?z, :"bar@computer-name"}] in one node and [{?a..?m, :"bar@computer-name"}, {?n..?z, :"foo@computer-name"}] in the other, you can have a routing request that will run recursively in the cluster infinitely. This can be tackled at the application level by making sure you pass a list of seen nodes when we route, such as KV.Router.route(bucket, mod, fun, args, seen_nodes). Then by checking if the node being dispatched to was already visited, we can avoid the cycle. Implementing and testing this functionality will be left as an exercise.

The second concern is that, while using mix run is completely fine to run our software in production, the command we use to start our services is getting increasingly more complex. For example, imagine we also want to --preload-modules, to all code is loaded upfront, as well as set the MIX_ENV=prod environment variable:

$ MIX_ENV=prod elixir --sname foo -S mix run --preload-modules --config config/foo.exs

Luckily, Elixir comes with the ability to package all of the code we have written so far into a single directory, that also includes Elixir and the Erlang Virtual Machine, that has a simple entry point and supports custom configuration. This feature is called releases and it provides many other benefits, which we will see next.


A release is a self-contained directory that consists of your application code, all of its dependencies, plus the whole Erlang Virtual Machine (VM) and runtime. Once a release is assembled, it can be packaged and deployed to a target as long as the target runs on the same operating system (OS) distribution and version as the machine that assembled the release.

In a regular project, we can assemble a release by simply running mix release. However, we have an umbrella project, and in such cases Elixir requires some extra input from us. Let’s see what is necessary:

$ MIX_ENV=prod mix release
** (Mix) Umbrella projects require releases to be explicitly defined with a non-empty applications key that chooses which umbrella children should be part of the releases:

releases: [
  foo: [
    applications: [child_app_foo: :permanent]
  bar: [
    applications: [child_app_bar: :permanent]

Alternatively you can perform the release from the children applications

That’s because an umbrella project gives us plenty of options when deploying the software. We can:

  • deploy all applications in the umbrella to a node that will work as both TCP server and key-value storage

  • deploy the :kv_server application to work only as a TCP server as long as the routing table points only to other nodes

  • deploy only the :kv application when we want a node to work only as storage (no TCP access)

As a starting point, let’s define a release that includes both :kv_server and :kv applications. We will also add a version to it. Open up the mix.exs in the umbrella root and add inside def project:

releases: [
  foo: [
    version: "0.0.1",
    applications: [kv_server: :permanent, kv: :permanent]

That defines a release named foo with both kv_server and kv applications. Their mode is set to :permanent, which means that, if those applications crash, the whole node terminates. That’s reasonable since those applications are essential to our system. With the configuration in place, let’s give another try at assembling the release:

$ MIX_ENV=prod mix release foo
* assembling foo-0.0.1 on MIX_ENV=prod
* skipping runtime configuration (config/releases.exs not found)

Release created at _build/prod/rel/foo!

    # To start your system
    _build/prod/rel/foo/bin/foo start

Once the release is running:

    # To connect to it remotely
    _build/prod/rel/foo/bin/foo remote

    # To stop it gracefully (you may also send SIGINT/SIGTERM)
    _build/prod/rel/foo/bin/foo stop

To list all commands:


Excellent! A release was assembled in _build/prod/rel/foo. Inside the release, there will be a bin/foo file which is the entry point to your system. It supports multiple commands, such as:

  • bin/foo start, bin/foo start_iex, bin/foo restart, and bin/foo stop - for general management of the release

  • bin/foo rpc COMMAND and bin/foo remote - for running commands on the running system or to connect to the running system

  • bin/foo eval COMMAND - to start a fresh system that runs a single command and then shuts down

  • bin/foo daemon and bin/foo daemon_iex - to start the system as a daemon on Unix-like systems

  • bin/foo install - to install the system as a service on Windows machines

If you run bin/foo start, it will start the system using a short name (--sname) equal to the release name, which in this case is foo. The next step is to start a system named bar, so we can connect foo and bar together, like we did in the previous chapter. But before we achieve this, let’s talk a bit about the benefits of releases.

Why releases?

Releases allow developers to precompile and package all of their code and the runtime into a single unit. The benefits of releases are:

  • Code preloading. The VM has two mechanisms for loading code: interactive and embedded. By default, it runs in the interactive mode which dynamically loads modules when they are used for the first time. The first time your application calls, the VM will find the Enum module and load it. There’s a downside. When you start a new server in production, it may need to load many other modules, causing the first requests to have an unusual spike in response time. Releases run in embedded mode, which loads all available modules upfront, guaranteeing your system is ready to handle requests after booting.

  • Configuration and customization. Releases give developers fine grained control over system configuration and the VM flags used to start the system.

  • Self-contained. A release does not require the source code to be included in your production artifacts. All of the code is precompiled and packaged. Releases do not even require Erlang or Elixir in your servers, as they include the Erlang VM and its runtime by default. Furthermore, both Erlang and Elixir standard libraries are stripped to bring only the parts you are actually using.

  • Multiple releases. You can assemble different releases with different configuration per application or even with different applications altogether.

We have written extensive documentation on releases, so please check the official docs for more information. For now, we will continue exploring some of the features outlined above.

Assembling multiple releases

So far, we have assembled a release named foo, but our routing table contains information for both foo and bar. Let’s start foo:

$ _build/prod/rel/foo/bin/foo start
16:58:58.508 [info]  Accepting connections on port 4040

And let’s connect to it and issue a request in another terminal:

$ telnet 4040
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
GET shopping foo
Connection closed by foreign host.

Since the “shopping” bucket would be stored on bar, the request fails as bar is not available. If you go back to the terminal running foo, you will see:

17:16:19.555 [error] Task #PID<0.622.0> started from #PID<0.620.0> terminating
** (stop) exited in:{KV.RouterTasks, :"bar@computer-name"}, {:start_task, [{:"foo@josemac-2", #PID<0.622.0>, #PID<0.622.0>}, [#PID<0.622.0>, #PID<0.620.0>, #PID<0.618.0>], :monitor, {KV.Router, :route, ["shopping", KV.Registry, :lookup, [KV.Registry, "shopping"]]}], :temporary, nil}, :infinity)
    ** (EXIT) no connection to bar@computer-name
    (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:1010:
    (elixir) lib/task/supervisor.ex:454: Task.Supervisor.async/6
    (kv) lib/kv/router.ex:21: KV.Router.route/4
    (kv_server) lib/kv_server/command.ex:74: KVServer.Command.lookup/2
    (kv_server) lib/kv_server.ex:29: KVServer.serve/1
    (elixir) lib/task/supervised.ex:90: Task.Supervised.invoke_mfa/2
    (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
Function: #Function<0.128611034/0 in KVServer.loop_acceptor/1>
    Args: []

Let’s now define a release for :bar. One first step could be to define a release exactly like foo inside mix.exs:

releases: [
  foo: [
    version: "0.0.1",
    applications: [kv_server: :permanent, kv: :permanent]
  bar: [
    version: "0.0.1",
    applications: [kv_server: :permanent, kv: :permanent]

And now let’s assemble it:

$ MIX_ENV=prod mix release bar

And then start it:

$ _build/prod/rel/bar/bin/bar start

If you start bar while foo is still running, you will see an error like the error below happen 5 times, before the application finally shuts down:

17:21:57.567 [error] Task #PID<0.620.0> started from KVServer.Supervisor terminating
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {:error, :eaddrinuse}
    (kv_server) lib/kv_server.ex:12: KVServer.accept/1
    (elixir) lib/task/supervised.ex:90: Task.Supervised.invoke_mfa/2
    (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
Function: #Function<0.98032413/0 in KVServer.Application.start/2>
    Args: []

That’s happening because the release foo is already listening on port 4040 and bar is trying to do the same! One option could be to move the :port configuration to the application environment, like we did for the routing table. But let’s try something else. Let’s make it so the bar release contains only the :kv application. So it works as a storage but it won’t have a front-end. Change the :bar information to this:

releases: [
  foo: [
    version: "0.0.1",
    applications: [kv_server: :permanent, kv: :permanent]
  bar: [
    version: "0.0.1",
    applications: [kv: :permanent]

And now let’s assemble it once more:

$ MIX_ENV=prod mix release bar

And finally successfully boot it:

$ _build/prod/rel/bar/bin/bar start

If you connect to localhost once again and perform another request, now everything should work, as long as the routing table contains the correct node names. Outstanding!

With releases, we were able to “cut different slices” of our project and prepared them to run in production, all packaged into a single directory.

Configuring releases

Releases also provide built-in hooks for configuring almost every need of the production system:

  • config/config.exs (and config/prod.exs) - provides build-time application configuration, which is executed when the release is assembled

  • config/releases.exs - provides runtime application configuration. It is executed every time the release boots and is further extensible via config providers

  • rel/vm.args.eex - a template file that is copied into every release and provides static configuration of the Erlang Virtual Machine and other runtime flags

  • rel/ and rel/env.bat.eex - template files that are copied into every release and executed on every command to set up environment variables, including ones specific to the VM, and the general environment

We have already explored config/config.exs. Now let’s talk about rel/ and then config/releases.exs before we end this chapter.

Operating System environment configuration

Every release contains an environment file, named on Unix-like systems and env.bat on Windows machines, that executes before the Elixir system starts. In this file, you can execute any OS-level code, such as invoke other applications, set environment variables and so on. Some of those environment variables can even configure how the release itself runs.

For instance, releases run using short-names (--sname). However, if you want to actually run a distributed key-value store in production, you will need multiple nodes and start the release with the --name option. We can achieve this by setting the RELEASE_DISTRIBUTION environment variable inside the and env.bat files. Mix already has a template for said files which we can customize, so let’s ask Mix to copy them to our application:

$ mix release.init
* creating rel/vm.args.eex
* creating rel/
* creating rel/env.bat.eex

If you open up rel/, you will see:


# Sets and enables heart (recommended only in daemon mode)
# if [ "$RELEASE_COMMAND" = "daemon" ] || [ "$RELEASE_COMMAND" = "daemon_iex" ]; then
#   export HEART_COMMAND
#   export ELIXIR_ERL_OPTIONS="-heart"
# fi

# Set the release to work across nodes
# export RELEASE_NODE=<%= %>@

The steps necessary to work across nodes is already commented out as an example. You can enable full distribution by uncommenting the last two lines by removing the leading # .

If you are on Windows, you will have to open up rel/env.bat.eex, where you will find this:

@echo off
rem Set the release to work across nodes
rem set RELEASE_NODE=<%= %>@

Once again, uncomment the last two lines by removing the leading rem to enable full distribution. And that’s all!

Runtime configuration

Another common need in releases is to compute configuration when the release runs, not when the release is assembled. The config/config.exs file we defined at the beginning of this chapter runs on every Mix command, when we build, test and run our application. This is great, because it provides a unified configuration for dev, test, and prod.

However, your production environments may have specific needs. For example, right now we are hardcoding the routing table, but in production, you may need to read the routing table from disk, from another service, or even reach out to your orchestration tool, like Kubernetes. This can be done by adding a config/releases.exs. As the name says, this file runs every time the release starts. For instance, you could do:

import Config
{table, _} = Code.eval_file("routing_table_from_disk.exs")
config :kv, :routing_table, table

Or perhaps you want to make the KVServer port configurable, and the value for the port is only given at runtime:

import Config
config :kv_server, :port, System.fetch_env!("PORT")

config/releases.exs files work very similar to a regular config/config.exs but it may have some restrictions. You can read the documentation for more information.

Summing up

Throughout the guide, we have built a very simple distributed key-value store as an opportunity to explore many constructs like generic servers, supervisors, tasks, agents, applications and more. Not only that, we have written tests for the whole application, got familiar with ExUnit, and learned how to use the Mix build tool to accomplish a wide range of tasks.

If you are looking for a distributed key-value store to use in production, you should definitely look into Riak, which also runs in the Erlang VM. In Riak, the buckets are replicated, to avoid data loss, and instead of a router, they use consistent hashing to map a bucket to a node. A consistent hashing algorithm helps reduce the amount of data that needs to be migrated when new storage nodes are added to your live system.

Of course, Elixir can be used for much more than distributed key-value stores. Embedded systems, data-processing and data-ingestion, web applications, streaming system, and others are many of the different domains Elixir excels at. We hope this guide has prepared you to explore any of those domains or any future domain you may desire to bring Elixir into.

Happy coding!

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